Tinsley Medical Practice Brokers Facilitate Seamless Acquisition for Longhorn Dermatology

Tinsley Medical Practice, led by Managing Director and Co-Founder Sean Tinsley, recently assisted Longhorn Dermatology in the sale of their practice to DermCare Management. This partnership marks a significant expansion for Longhorn Dermatology and a new chapter in their mission to provide exceptional care for their patients and community. DermCare is a dermatology practice management […]
Tinsley Medical Practice Brokers Assists Forum Health, LLC

Forum Health, LLC expands Texas presence with plans to acquire more integrative and functional medicine practices, tinsleymedicalpractices.com reports. AUSTIN, Texas – Tinsley Medical Practice Brokers assisted Forum Health, LLC, a pioneering multi-location Integrative and Functional Medicine practice at the forefront of holistic healthcare, in taking their corporate vision for functional medicine services to the next […]
How To Make Your Medical Practice More Appealing to a Buyer

By Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC I understand that there is a lot of (unnecessary) trepidation around selling your medical practice. Timing is everything. At some point, you will consider selling your medical practice. Whether it is today, in 3 years, or in 25 years, consider these steps to make your practice as attractive […]
Tinsley Medical Practice Brokers Assists Synovation Medical Group With Two Texas Medical Practice Acquisitions

Synovation Medical Group expands Texas presence with plans to acquire more Texas pain practices, tinsleymedicalpracticebrokers.com reports AUSTIN, Texas – Tinsley Medical Practice Brokers assisted Dr. Clayton Varga of Synovation Medical Group take his corporate vision for pain management to the next level in Texas. The two Texas pain practices acquired by Synovation Medical Group are […]
How to Value a Medical Practice – Art or Science?

By Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC Medical Practice Broker, Physician CPA, Healthcare Consultant, Value Analyst, Author, Speaker What is medical practice worth? IT DEPENDS! And once you understand this sole fact, you can then begin to concentrate on how to get to the answer. There is a great misunderstanding in the medical community as […]
Preventing Physician Merger Hiccups

By Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC Medical Practice Broker, Physician CPA, Healthcare Consultant, Value Analyst, Author, Speaker So, you’ve decided to enter into a physician medical practice merger. Congratulations, you’ve completed tireless hours of feasibility analysis and carefully chosen your new partners. However, your work is far from over. Beyond this groundwork is the […]
What Is My Medical Practice Worth

What’s My Practice Worth and is There Such a Thing as Goodwill? By Reed Tinsley, CPA, CVA, CFP, CHBC Medical Practice Broker, Physician CPA, Healthcare Consultant, Value Analyst, Author, Speaker How much is your practice worth? Often, it depends on who wants to know and why. Valuation professionals follow different methodologies tacks depending on whether […]